D.C. Bound & Ready for Sheer Adoptee Awesome-ness

On the 27th, I will be headed to Washington D.C. for the privilege of meeting with some legendary adult adoptees and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.  We plan to bring some adoptee issues to the attention of Congressional staff, and establish an on-going dialogue for future meetings.  

Of course, I can't go to this meeting armed without my papers, facts, statistics and all other necessary tools to share good information about Adoptee Rights.  I also indulged myself a little bit......

I got some business cards.

"Amanda, do you really need business cards?" you might ask.

Darn right I do, and so do you!

Blogging is activism and it's absolutely OK to have some business cards to give to people who ask about your blog.

I designed mine a little over a week ago, and they arrived yesterday afternoon.  I used the help of stock photography and graphics to as I am far too lazy busy to sit down and make the images myself.