A Letter to my Post-Adoption Social Worker

Dear Post-Adoption Social Worker, I am one of your agency's adoptees; you may be familiar with my name. A few years ago, you and I interacted because I was cautiously considering the idea of reunion. I wanted to reunite but was afraid of hurting my adoptive family's feelings. I was also afraid that your agency would judge as being an "angry adoptee." I tried my best to communicate my feelings despite my fears. You were very kind in response, and I thank you for that. As I grow in my Social Work career, I cannot help but compare my Social Work knowledge, skills, and values to my own experience as a client of adoption. Adopted children are the most vulnerable individuals within an adoption system and therefore are an adoption worker's primary client. Helping professionals have the duty to secure the best interests of the child in adoption. According to multiple international conventions on human rights, a child's human...