The Vanishing Leaf: Adoptees & the Family Tree advertises how exciting it is to see the little leaf pop up next to an ancestor's name on the trees you can make on their website. The leaf leads you to all sorts of possible clues, documents, and other member's trees about your ancestor. Oh, and they're right, it is exciting. The little leaf things popped up all over the place when I made a family tree for my [Adoptive] Father and I traced him all the way back to the mid 1600's. But what if a leaf never popped up for you; or worse yet, what if your name just disappeared? Thanks to my dear friend Priscilla Sharp helping me trace my genealogy (I am reunited, but my original family didn't know all of the things she found about our family), I know I am eligible for membership in two different historical associations. I have begun the daunting task of collecting documents spanning over 15 generations to prove my ancestry. I was not thinking about my family or mysel...